Faith in the Fall

The Seth Alfaro Story

It was an unusually beautiful day for mid February in Michigan...warm, sunny, and clear pavement, where snow normally sat inches high. The allure to spend some time outside  skateboarding and hanging with his friends was compelling. So, 21-year-old rapper Seth Alfaro, headed out the door with a smile on his face, ready to scout locations for his next music video, with some of his friends.

The sunset was absolutely amazing that night and was a welcome reprieve from the winter’s normal dark and gloomy skies. Seth, known for his creative and artistic eye, knew that the view from higher up would be even more spectacular. Scaling up to the roof of the old two-story building was an easy feat for Seth and one of his friends. They were very athletic and accomplished climbers, and had often been on the tops of buildings, billboards or, unbeknownst to their parents, arenas and skyscrapers as well.

From their perch, they watched the sun shed its last glorious rays and sink below the horizon. They decided to continue their scout, and make the jump down to the attached roof of the neighboring building, some 8 feet below. It was an easy jump, or it would’ve been under normal circumstances. But, the roof immediately gave way on impact, sending Seth hurtling 25 feet downward on a collision course with the concrete floor.

His friends watched in horror as Seth disappeared from sight. The one left on the roof shined his phone flashlight down through the gaping hole to reveal Seth, crumpled, face down on the cement, surrounded by rusty old machine parts, with blood pooling around his head. 

Stunned and in shock, they broke into the building to reach him. What had just happened? They expected Seth to sit up and laugh it all off. They called his name repeatedly and turned him over, hoping to rouse him. But he lay there unmoving, unresponsive. Strange, strangled sounds, more animal than human, came from deep in his throat as the last remaining air in his lungs eerily escaped. And, to their utter dismay, no new air took its place. Seth wasn’t breathing...


It was a typical night in the Alfaro home. Dinner was finished and the kids were scattered around the house doing homework. Then came a frantic, loud pounding on the door--Seth’s Mother, Christine, related it to something you’d see in a movie. With her heart lodged in her throat, she made a mental check of each of her children’s whereabouts before opening the door. They were all accounted for--safe at home--except for Seth, but he had his key. She hurried to the door. When she saw the police officer and the expression on her face, Christine’s heart plummeted to her stomach. “Your son, Seth Alfaro,” said the officer, “has been in a serious accident. Follow me!”

Screaming for her husband, she raced out the door. They left their other children without explanation and rushed to the hospital under police escort, unsure of whether they would find their son dead or alive.


A panicked call to 911. Paramedics rushing to Seth’s side, resuscitating him, working hard to save his life. Lights flashing and sirens blaring through the night as the ambulance sped to the hospital. Parents on the way. Friends in shock. A life hanging in the balance.


Ushered into a small, quiet room where they were told a social worker would talk to them, they tried to keep hope, while their minds immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. A social worker? Not a doctor? That couldn’t be good. Seth was dead. A parent’s worst nightmare and they were living it...again. Oh, they’d been here before. They were not new to grief and loss. They had already buried four of their babies. But now, they were anxiously waiting to hear if the same fate had befallen their beloved grown son. They sat in silence, shaking, tears running unchecked down their faces. Their son had left the house just hours before so happy, so full of life, and now….  

The wait seemed unending to them as they sat with their oldest son, Michael, who had rushed to the hospital to meet them. He, too, couldn’t help but remember the past and the funerals and the little coffins. Seth had better pull through this...and if he did, Michael thought to himself, he’d kill him for doing something so stupid and putting himself in danger. In reality, he’d hug him, then put him in a headlock.

The social worker never came.

Instead, a trauma doctor who had been working on Seth came and sat in front of them. Gravely, Dr. Gibson told them that Seth had fallen 25 feet through a roof onto concrete, and had sustained a severe brain injury with bleeding in his brain. He said that nothing could be done about the damage that had already occurred. Their job was to keep Seth alive and to keep the swelling in his brain down to prevent further damage. 

“Could he die from this?” Christine shakily asked. “Yes,” was his response. “Yes, he could.” The next 24 hours would be critical and it would be up to Seth what happened.


The first few hours were chaotic as doctors worked to stabilize Seth. More tests were run and more and more machines and monitors appeared as Seth was intubated and hooked up to life support. All the while, doctors were constantly trying to get him to respond, “Seth, open your eyes. Seth wiggle your thumb.” But their commands and the family’s pleas went unanswered as Seth remained totally unresponsive. They were told that a response from Seth in the first few hours was crucial. The family watched in horror as the minutes turned to hours. And then, to their discouragement and dismay, after hours of trying to rouse him with no success, Seth was put into a medically induced coma to help reduce the chance of further injury to his battered brain. A hole was then drilled into his skull, so that a wire could be put into his brain to monitor his intra cranial pressure (ICP).


Days passed as Seth’s parents, siblings and family sat in his cold and dark hospital room, silent, unmoving. Praying constantly, but isolated and alone in their own thoughts. Seth required absolute silence and darkness to prevent any kind of stimulation. The doctors no longer asked or expected Seth to respond and his family was asked not to talk to him at all. The room was freezing because Seth had a dangerously high fever and lay under ice blankets as the staff tried to control it. Sitting in their winter coats, their thoughts kept beat with the rhythm of the machines keeping Seth alive, and the rise and fall of his chest.

Although normally very private people, about 30 hours into their vigil, Seth’s parents reached out to Christine’s sister Kathy, who had been begging to post on Facebook and other social media platforms, asking for prayers. Reluctantly, but desperate for help, they agreed. And thus began the first of many miracles in Seth’s journey as people from near and, friends and total strangers...began to pray for him. 

As people around the world prayed for Seth, and his family sat ever vigilant praying at his bedside, Seth’s spirit was far removed from the seemingly lifeless body in that hospital room. As Seths’ father Chris, and mother Christine, begged God to save their son’s life, unbeknownst to them, God was renewing and saving his soul.


All he could feel was LOVE...God’s love and peace totally surrounding him and overflowing through him. It was a love unlike anything he’d ever felt before. It was indescribable and filled him with unspeakable joy. He knew God was with him. He felt His presence. He heard His words...not spoken aloud, but as if imprinted on his soul.  The veil, the veil between him and God was so thin, like paper, not even like cloth. A single breath could move it. He knew that a touch of God’s hand could heal him.


Seth had been raised in a loving, faith-filled home, but the call to be famous and a great rapper, along with the lifestyle that is often associated with that world, held great allure. He immersed himself in the culture.  His attitude, words, even patterns of speech changed so much, that his parents told him that sometimes they barely recognized him.  He wanted to be famous more than anything. Fame and fortune and success and all that came with it invaded his thoughts and dominated his dreams. He would do whatever he needed to, to make his dreams become his reality.

The longer he spent within the rap culture, the more he felt the pull and the trappings of that lifestyle drawing him in. It was a dark and shallow world filled with parties, drugs, girls...and empty promises.

Despite his initial resistance, the rap culture had dug its claws into his soul, unraveling the foundations of his faith and warping his perspective and relationships. 

But, he’d be okay. He just needed God to look the other way for awhile. Then he’d get his faith back on track...someday.


Seth was young and fit, athletic, a certified personal trainer, and always on the go. Now, to those who saw him, he was merely a shadow of himself, pale, unmoving, and wasting away.

As the critical 24 hours turned into 72 hours and then five to seven days, with the pressure in his brain continuing to rise, the family and a huge and growing body of prayer warriors from around the world, stormed the heavens for Seth’s life and healing.


Seth found himself in a long line. He had never seen a line this long in his life. It didn’t even make sense how long it was. And, somewhere, far ahead, the line was moving toward the light. 

Frightened, Seth realized where he was. He was in the judgement line. And although it was unbelievably long, the line was moving rapidly. Suddenly he could see all the times in his life that he could’ve chosen God and His way, but hadn’t. And he was scared. Really scared.

*As he watched the line moving at such a quick pace, he received a revelation. When you die, God isn’t judging you, “Ummm...let me see...heaven or hell….” There is no debate, no discussion. God already knows where you are going because you have already made the choice, by how you lived your life while on earth.  Seth didn’t feel like he had chosen to live his life for heaven. He didn’t feel worthy of heaven at all. He was afraid he was going to go to hell. And he was terrified.

Fortunately, he never got to the end of the line.


There were many complications. A spiking fever. Rising ICP numbers.

Every time the doctors tried to put in a tracheostomy, a procedure they told Chris and Christine would help Seth’s chances of survival, something happened to delay the procedure. The family was disheartened. Exhausted. Afraid. Their Seth lay battered and broken, silent and unmoving. The silence overwhelmed them and left them isolated and alone. It was broken only by their tumbling, frantic thoughts and pleas, along with the constant beeping of the monitors and the buzzing and hissing of the ventilator and machines keeping their son alive.


He began to hear it...the beeping of monitors and the buzzing of machines. And he saw himself lying in a hospital bed, with tubes and wires sticking out of his body. But, he wasn’t there, he was somehow above it all, as if seeing himself from a bird’s eye view. 

He was tired. So tired. He was close to death. Somehow, he knew it. It was as if he was trying to keep himself awake and all he would need to do was close his eyes, and death would come. It would be that simple. Just close his eyes and die. He was so tired of fighting.


Day 5 was a particularly hard day for Seth and his family. That night Seth’s Aunt Kathy couldn’t sleep and felt compelled to post. It was 3 a.m. EST, but she figured someone might be up to read her latest plea for prayers. The next morning, a woman named Amy Oatley, whom none of the family had ever met, posted in the comments section that she had awakened at that exact time and had asked God whom she was supposed to pray for. She fell back asleep and had a dream/vision of hundreds of people in Seth’s room, on their knees in prayer, begging God to save him. She said there were so many people that they flowed out into several rooms. When she awoke, it was all so vivid and real that she wondered how the hospital could have let that many people in. Another woman, further down in the comments, said she experienced the exact same thing at the same time. Later, Chris and Christine would learn of other friends who had had the same experience, on the same night, at the exact same time. 


Seth saw his room and it was full of people. There were hundreds and hundreds of people all down on their knees praying for him. So many people that they spilled out and overflowed into five other hospital rooms. They were all praying for him. People he knew, and people he didn’t know. He felt the power of their prayers...actually felt the power course through him. The power of those prayers gave him the strength he needed to keep fighting. Seth begged God for his life...just 30 seconds more...just one minute more. The power kept coming, and he kept begging and fighting... 


On the sixth day they were together in Seth’s room, upbeat and happy for the first time in days. The tracheostomy surgery was finally happening. Seth had been gone for an hour and they were expecting to hear soon that the procedure had been a success. It was a bright moment in the midst of days of darkness and they needed something positive. But, when Seth was brought back into the room, the breathing tube and ventilator were still firmly in place. Doctors broke the news that they hadn’t been able to do the surgery, this time because they had discovered that Seth now had pneumonia. The family’s moment of joy, their fragile hold on hope, was shattered once again.

Chris couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t breathe. The room was closing in on him. So was his throat. He had to get out of there. Must...find...air. Now! As if in a stupor, lost, he left the room without saying a word to anyone. He had no choice. Wandering aimlessly he walked until he found his way out of the hospital and then he just kept going…

Christine saw her husband leave. Oh, how she wanted to do the same thing. They’d both been in that dark room day and night for so long, physically together, but mentally and emotionally silent and apart, with only their crushing fears for company, prayer their only solace. This was another devastating blow. 

Seth remained unchanged except for the horrid, wracking cough that viciously tossed his body around on the bed like it was a mere rag doll. It was horrible to watch. Doctors had surmised that the cough was from throat irritation caused by the breathing tube down his throat. That was one of the reasons they had wanted to do the tracheostomy so stop the irritation and ultimately relieve the cough. But, the cough, which they knew was doing damage to the membranes in his throat as the tube rubbed it raw with each jerking spasm, was also causing Seth’s ICP numbers to spike. And, as long as the ICP numbers were high, they couldn’t put in the trach. It was a vicious circle. Would it never end? And now, to find there was more causing the cough...that he also had pneumonia?! Christine’s heart was broken and bleeding. It was too much.


Walking, with no destination in mind, Chris ended up alone on a park bench a couple of blocks away. Bent and at his breaking point he prayed, “Lord, I don’t know what to do. We’ve been praying nonstop.” He felt every emotion possible. He was drained, empty, his strength gone. But then he did what he always did, what he had done, hour after hour, day after day, since the minute he heard of Seth’s accident. He prayed. And he kept praying. Amazingly, by the time he finished, he had recovered his peace and walked in God’s strength once again.


Christine had to get out of that room. She couldn’t hold it together or keep silent another minute. Her eyes made a quick, frantic sweep around the room to make sure she wasn’t leaving Seth alone, and then her running thoughts propelled her out into the hallway.

Eventually she ended up in the chapel, alone with her thoughts and her God. The silence in the room was broken by her cries.  “No, God, please no!” she yelled into the empty room. “You can’t take him from me...I can’t lose him.” She wrestled with God and with herself. She yelled, fought and pleaded. But finally, kneeling on the floor, bent over, desperate, with tears streaming down her face, and summoning every ounce of strength she had left, she uttered the words, “Your will, Lord, not mine, be done for Seth.”

No warm, fuzzy feelings enveloped her. It was purely a heart wrenching, conscious act of giving her will and her son over to God. By His strength alone, she picked herself up and made her way back to the ICU.


After the swelling started to go down and the wire was removed from his skull, a second MRI was done to determine the extent of Seth’s brain damage.

“I’m sorry,” were the first words out of the doctor’s mouth. Their hearts and hopes plummeted.

The MRI was bad. Really bad. Worse than any of them had expected.

Seth had diffuse axonal injury, which is brain shearing or shredding of the brain. He not only had brain shearing and brain bleeds all throughout his brain, but also throughout his brainstem. With the brainstem also involved it was now a very real possibility that Seth would never even wake up and the doctors were no longer hopeful about what Seth would be like if he did wake up. It was the worst case scenario. Up to this point, the doctors had been hopeful because of Seth’s youth and overall health, but once they got the results of the MRI, all that changed. They began talking about long-term, lower functioning rehab centers, implying that Seth may spend the rest of his life in a nursing home.

Chris and Christine were in shock. Their hopes ravaged. Seth was finally taken into surgery to do the tracheostomy and Kathy was told, for the first time since her initial posts began, not to post anything at all. Since she had been doing multiple posts every day, and knew how much prayer support the family needed at this time, this was a hard request. But, the family needed time. Chris and Christine needed to go home and talk to their younger children who had not been told the severity of Seth’s injuries. They all needed to face the fact that their beloved Seth may never come back to them in the same way...that this might be the best he would ever be. 

They had a very hard conversation with their kids, even the younger ones, and told them, “Regardless of how Seth comes back to us, he will still be our Seth, and we will love him no matter what.” 

They were now more resolute than ever. They would fight for Seth. They would pray even harder and continue to ask others to pray. They would beg their God for a miraculous healing, and, they would be there for Seth every step of the way, encouraging, challenging, supporting and loving him.

That night, when Chris returned home from the hospital after such a long and emotionally draining day, his son Michael was waiting for him. With a single heartfelt question, “How are you doing, Dad,” Chris was undone. After days and weeks of being strong for his family, he had reached his human limit. “Seth is supposed to be waking up and there’s no movement.” His thoughts were overrun with “what if’s.” “What if this is the best it gets?” he asked his son. “What if Seth never walks or talks again?” “He has so many dreams and plans. I’m so afraid for him.” Tears started running down his face. He had reached his “Abraham” moment. It was time for him to surrender his son, and all of his son’s dreams, to the Lord. He knew he was going to say “Yes” to God and did so, sobbing in the arms of his oldest son. 


Seth hadn’t seen God, but he’d felt His presence and heard His voice inside his very being. 

This time was different. He was with Jesus and he could see him. They were at a baseball field and the sun was shining brightly through the trees as it began its descent. It was a beautiful sight. But, there, in the outfield, was an injured player lying on the ground. Jesus went to him, knelt beside him, and wept for him. It was then that Seth saw it wasn’t a child on the ground, but rather a young man about his own age. 

Then his perspective changed. Now, rather than seeing the scene from beside Jesus, he was looking up, as if through the injured player’s eyes. He was looking up into Jesus’ face. He could see blood mingling with Jesus’ tears as he looked down and wept. And Seth felt Jesus’ love and sorrow and compassion for this young man.

And then another thought came. Was Jesus actually weeping for him?


As the sedation was gradually removed, Seth remained unresponsive. The medical staff tied his hands down, to protect him in the event he came out of the coma and experienced neurostorming, a condition very common for traumatic brain injury patients. The doctors warned Chris and Christine that it might be worse in Seth’s case, as he was a young man in his prime. They needed to prepare themselves for him to perhaps be violent, lash out at people, scream and yell. But, nothing came. Seth remained in a coma for days, long after the sedation had left his system.

Eventually, he began to show some gradual signs of waking. His eyes would sometimes peek out from barely open slits and he was able to follow a simple command or hold up a finger and to hold up two fingers. The family tried to get responses out of him, and sometimes succeeded, but he would never respond for the doctors. At times, there seemed to be life and understanding behind his half closed lids. At other times, they were met with a blank stare as if no one was home.

Before the MRI, the family had hoped to move Seth to Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, one of the best rehabilitation facilities in the country. But now, with the results of the most recent MRI, the chances of him being accepted as a patient there, were highly unlikely. But, at their request, Dr. Ho, one of the chief doctors at Mary Free Bed Hospital, came to evaluate Seth. 

Seth lay there totally unresponsive as the doctor examined him. He showed no signs of cognitive thinking or even awareness. That, combined with what the MRI showed, did not bode well for him. But, Chris, who from day one had been at the head of his Seth’s bed, whispering words of encouragement and love into his ear, despite the doctor’s orders to not talk to his son, knew he needed to advocate for him. He was not willing to give up on his son and had a long talk with the doctor, sharing all of the signs the family had seen...signs that made him sure the Seth they all knew and loved, was still inside and needed to be given a chance to heal and live a normal life. Based on that conversation with Chris, rather than on the test results or his own personal evaluation, Dr. Ho decided to give Seth a chance and admit him to Mary Free Bed.

The family clung to hope once again.


Dr. Ho’s colleagues were perplexed by his decision to take a chance on Seth. Based on his MRI and Seth’s inability to sit, stand, walk, talk, swallow, follow simple commands, or even fully open his eyes, they could not understand why Dr. Ho would bring him to Mary Free Bed. But, what would happen in the days and weeks ahead, would astound not only the doctors and staff at Mary Free Bed, but the prayer warriors around the world who were praying for Seth. 

Due to an insurance complication, Seth’s discharge and subsequent admittance to Mary Free Bed was delayed. The family spent another three long days waiting, both for the insurance approval, and for Seth to “wake up” more. The night before his transfer, he began to move his right leg and arm. He even reached up and touched his head. He shook his head in response to a few questions. Best of all, he reached out with his right arm and began to hug his family members, letting them know without words that he knew who they were and loved them. There were no words to describe their gratitude and relief and wonder, as well as the thanksgiving that flooded their souls. Their Seth was still there, trapped inside this fragile body.

Seth had gone from a healthy 21 year old young man, to an almost unrecognizable shrivelled shell of himself. Unable to do anything himself other than move his right arm and leg, it took a hydraulic lift to move him from the bed to a special wheelchair that supported his neck because he couldn’t even hold up his head. Yet, on day two at Mary Free Bed, therapists had him strapped into a large walker-like contraption, trying to retrain his brain to walk. Strapped in and drooping over it like a rag doll--his weight being completely supported by his therapists with straps, belts, pulleys and the walker--he was able to move his right foot an inch or two at a time. His head hung down to his chest. His left side was lifeless, so a therapist moved his left leg for him. But, it was a start.

He was still unable to swallow, talk, sit up, balance, or use his left side at all. Yet, he was peaceful. Not angry. There were no signs of neurostorming at all. 

The prayer warriors’ work was far from done. Seth’s parents began to notice a correlation. If Seth was struggling with something, they would request prayers and, as the prayer warriors stormed heaven for that specific request, Seth’s hurdle would be conquered. They were seeing one miracle after another unfold before their very eyes. The therapists couldn’t keep up with his progress. This young man, who should’ve died or been severely brain damaged, was recovering at a rate that was unprecedented.

Before Seth could talk, one of his therapists asked him if he wanted to try and write. To the amazement of everyone, this same young man, who just two days before had batted around four blocks that had the letters of his name on them - S - E - T - H - as if he had no idea what they even meant, began to write in complete adult sentences. And one of the first things Seth wrote, before he could utter a single word, was “My God is good!” At that time he still couldn’t walk, talk, eat, swallow...the list goes on, and yet he was saying his God was good. The family immediately knew something special had happened to Seth. From that time on, Seth was frantic to tell them what he had experienced, but he still couldn’t talk. So, the prayer warriors were once again asked to pray. And, when Seth could finally talk and share all that had happened to him when his body was in the coma, but he was in the presence of God, they knew they were witnessing the greatest miracle of all. They couldn’t get him to stop talking! Christine wrote everything he said down in a journal she kept next to his bed.

Seth was originally scheduled to be at Mary Free Bed for 10 weeks, after which time, they would evaluate where he would then go long term. They did not know if he would ever be able to go home or if he would, instead, spend the rest of his life in a long term care facility.

Miraculously, just four weeks after he arrived...via ambulance and strapped to a gurney, unable to do anything...Seth jogged out of the hospital.

No wheelchair, no walker, no gait belt, no cane, no assistance whatsoever...except from His God whom he knew, from witnessing it first-hand, was running right alongside him, out of the hospital and into the fresh air he so desperately missed. 
Lining the streets near his house, were hundreds of school students and their families along with others from the parish and community who had been praying for him. They stood in the pouring rain holding signs, “We love you, Seth!” “We’re praying for you, Seth!”.  The smiles on their faces lit up even that dreary day. Nothing could dim their happiness. They were witnessing a miracle and they knew it. Even the local news media was there to record his return home. Seth, with a huge smile of his own, waived back at them, overwhelmed with gratitude for the role they had played in his miraculous recovery.

The car finally pulled up to the front of the Alfaro house and Seth got out. He walked down the sidewalk and actually hopped up the steps. Hugging his siblings who were there to greet him, he entered his house for the first time in 6 ½ weeks, something none of them had been sure he’d ever do again. 


One of the local television stations produced a half hour special on Seth after he got home. The reporter asked him, “Is there ever a day where you wish you could go back to the day of the accident and not jump from that roof?”

Seth’s answer surprised everyone. “No, because the way that God’s blessed me through this whole thing, experiences, and just the person I am now,” he replied. “I don’t think I would’ve changed like that and this quickly. It is hard going through some of this stuff, it is, there’s no other way to put it. But it’s God’s will and that’s what I try to remind myself. I’d rather be doing His will than my own.”

There was never a day where Seth just woke up and was miraculously healed. It was gradual and required a lot of very hard work on Seth’s part, and a lot of grace and skill on the part of the medical teams who worked with him. But, his healing, and the experiences he had while in his coma, are undeniable miracles.

Seth came back a changed man. One whose priorities and purpose had totally changed. One filled with gratitude and love.


And so begins the story of Seth Alfaro’s fall and the miraculous journey that led him to a faith unlike anything he’d ever known. It’s a journey that took him from being on “top of the world,”  to lying in a coma, reliant on machines and fighting for his life...from watching the setting of the sun to being in the presence of God and Jesus His Son...from searching for love with the hottest girls to experiencing a love greater than words could ever express...from parties and drugs and a lifestyle he knew was wrong, to a total conversion of faith where he came back from the edge of the grave with a desire to live...for God alone. 

Seth's journey was shared by tens of thousands of people from around the world who came together on their knees in prayer, to beg the God of the Universe to heal this broken young man. It’s a journey that was so powerful and compelling that Seth knows it wasn’t meant for him alone, but was meant to be shared. It’s a journey that brought him not only physical healing, but both the healing and the saving of his soul. And that’s why he calls this journey a blessing instead of a tragedy. It’s his amazing journey to “Faith in the Fall.” 

It’s a story that we believe must be told, because it isn’t done yet. God is still writing it.
Posts made by Seth's Aunt Kathy throughout the time of his accident and recovery:

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 15 ·
I would like to ask all of my friends to please lift up my 21 year old nephew, Seth Alfaro, in your prayers. Seth fell about 25 feet through a roof late Monday and is in the ICU in a medically induced coma with swelling of the brain. Today the swelling is increasing and they are having trouble keeping his ICP (inner cranial pressure) down. They just added another sedative which is working right now, but we really need prayers for the swelling to stop and begin to go down. We are really praying for a total and complete healing and that we get our precious Seth back. He is a young man of faith, full of life and creativity, with so many gifts to share. Please join me in storming the heavens for him and my beloved sister, Christine Faber Alfaro, my dear brother-in-law, Christopher Alfaro, and their whole family. We appreciate your prayers and support more than you know! THANK YOU!!!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 15 ·
The news on my nephew is not good. Please keep the prayers coming!!!!
They have had to work very hard to keep his ICP down. He is using up his options very quickly. If the swelling continues at this rate for 2 more days it could be bad. They can only give him so much of the meds safely. Then they will have to do much more invasive and risky procedures. Please have everyone pray that this is the peak of the swelling and that it stops now instead of getting worse for 2 more days like is common.
Please also pray for Chris and Chris and their family--for strength and peace and God's grace! Thank you!

Kathy Barth
February 16 ·
My dear Prayer Warriors...Here's a request from my sister and her family:
"We want to spread the word to seek Blessed Pier Giorgio's intercession for a miracle. The miracle that is earning him sainthood is for someone who fell through a roof! I have been given his name by a few people now. Time to call on his intercession for a miracle for Seth!"
Follow the link my daughter posted in the comments below to read his story. Thanks!

Kathy Barth
February 16 ·
Here's the latest update on my nephew Seth Alfaro.
The night went pretty well! ICP is staying good, climbed a little at times but came down without extra meds. Dr. thinks they will continue to keep him sedated today since he is still in the 3-4 day window of swelling. So the good news is that nothing is worsening, but he is also not ready to progress yet, as in lowering the sedation and trying to awaken him. His numbers still spike any time they move him, so they have limited that. They said his skin is tolerating it and still looking good. The ICU doc still needs to meet with the neurosurg. team, so the plan for today could change.
I can't tell you how much my family appreciates the prayers! Please keep them coming! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!!

Kathy Barth
February 16 · Appleton, WI ·
Specific prayer request from my sister Chris:
"They want to be able to get the trachiostomy in soon. They think it would really help him. They think the tube down his throat is really bothering him. He's coughed from it quite a few times today even though he is so heavily sedated. They think it would help him relax & help his brain pressures, but his pressures are not stable enough to handle the procedure yet."
Please pray his pressures stabilize so they can do this procedure. Thank you!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 17 ·
For all of you praying for my nephew Seth, here's the latest update:
Seth seemed to have a good night overall and Chris and Chris were actually able to get some sleep (Praise God)! But then at 5:30 this morning his ICP jumped up to the high 40s and even 50 with no stimulation. It turned out his CO2 level was high. That resolved itself and his ICP levels slowly came back to the teens within about 10 minutes. They said he must have been fighting the ventilator and not blowing out enough CO2 so it built up in his system, which can cause the ICP to spike.
We thank God for the resolution of this issue and continue to pray that his ICP level comes down and stabilizes so that they can do the trach.
Thank you ALL for your continued prayers and support. Chris and Chris and their family (and all of us) wouldn't be standing strong right now without your prayer support, for it is through God's grace alone that anyone can carry this heavy of a cross. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
For anyone interested in joining us in a rosary novena starting today, please message me and I will send you the details. We love you!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 17 ·
For all of you praying for my nephew Seth, here's the latest update:
Seth seemed to have a good night overall and Chris and Chris were actually able to get some sleep (Praise God)! But then at 5:30 this morning his ICP jumped up to the high 40s and even 50 with no stimulation. It turned out his CO2 level was high. That resolved itself and his ICP levels slowly came back to the teens within about 10 minutes. They said he must have been fighting the ventilator and not blowing out enough CO2 so it built up in his system, which can cause the ICP to spike.
We thank God for the resolution of this issue and continue to pray that his ICP level comes down and stabilizes so that they can do the trach.
Thank you ALL for your continued prayers and support. Chris and Chris and their family (and all of us) wouldn't be standing strong right now without your prayer support, for it is through God's grace alone that anyone can carry this heavy of a cross. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
For anyone interested in joining us in a rosary novena starting today, please message me and I will send you the details. We love you!

Kathy Barth
February 17 · Appleton, WI ·
The latest update on Seth -
They are going to do a CT scan today at 5:30 and then decide where to go from there. Depending on the results of the scan they said they might even be able to remove the bolt (the wire they put in to measure the pressure on his brain). That would mean they think he is over the worst of the swelling and it won't increase anymore, which would be amazing!!! Please pray the CT scan is good and they can remove the bolt!
Earlier today they took the EEG off as he hasn't had any seizure activity at all and doesn't need it anymore! Definitely a step in the right direction.
We thank God for every positive step!
Mass today at the hospital chapel was said for Seth. Our rosary novena is starting today (message me if you want to join us and need the details). Please keep up the prayers! We can all feel your support! THANK YOU ALL!!!

Kathy Barth added 2 new photos — with Seth Alfaro.
February 17 ·
Please pray for this young man. His name is Seth Alfaro. He fell 25 feet through a roof on Monday, February 13th, and is in a medically induced coma. Many family members and friends have begun a Rosary Novena asking Jesus to heal Seth. We are also asking Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati to intercede on Seth's behalf. He is being considered for Sainthood based on the miraculous healing of a man who fell off a roof. We are storming the heavens asking for the total healing of Seth. Thank you for joining us.
During this special rosary novena, for every Hail Mary we pray:
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, healer of Seth.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Please feel free to invite others to join us in this rosary novena. The more people, the more powerful the prayer!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 17 ·
I know we keep asking for prayers, but Seth needs them right now. He is really struggling tonight. Since they did the CT scan, Seth's ICPs have been spiking. They have now needed to add a new medication to bring them down since the first one they were using is no longer working. Please pray that he stabilizes again! Jesus, we trust in you!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 18 ·
They kept him on a continuous drip of the 2nd sedation med and his numbers were great all night. They even had to lay him flat for quite a while to clean him up and he did great. They spiked during the activity and then immediately went back down. They are starting to turn some of the initial sedation medicine down to figure out exactly how much he needs in order to stay stable.
Also, GOOD NEWS! The CT scan looked better than before! So because of that, even though he is still having issues with his ICP, they don't have to worry as much about it. Good progress!
We are so grateful for your continued prayers and support, especially last night when he was struggling!!! We know we could not walk this road with Seth without the grace of God and all of your prayers! Thank you, dear friends!
Stephanie Lancaster-Lavoie with Kathy Barth and 3 others.
February 18 ·

Kathy Barth shared Tyler F Antonides's post — with Seth Alfaro.
February 18 ·

Tyler F Antonides with Seth Alfaro.
February 17 ·
Alright guys, starting today we are beginning a Rosary Novena for Seth Alfaro. For those of you who do not know how to pray the Rosary, you can follow this link:
However, with each Hail Mary bead we are asking you to repeat this modified Hail Mary:
"Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, healer of Seth.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
We are asking these intentions through the intercession of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, and Venerable Solanus Casey. Solanus Casey always said to "Thank God ahead of time." So Father in Heaven, we thank you now for the gift of Seth, we thank for healing him, and we thank you for bringing comfort and peace to his family.
The Novena beings today (February 17th) and will continue each day until next Saturday (February 25th). This Novena has worked miracles before, and we trust it will work for Seth as well. If you want go deeper with helping Seth, I encourage to join us in this daily prayer. Lastly, I just want to give a huge thank you to Carol Dills for organizing the Novena. We really appreciate it. Thank you all for the prayers. Seth is a fighter, but we're all in this together.

Kathy Barth
February 19 · Darboy, WI ·
For anyone who may still be awake (especially Seth's family and friends on the West Coast)...
Despite the good news I posted yesterday (Saturday) morning, Seth didn't have a very good day. The doctors weren't able to do anything they'd hoped because his ICP numbers were too high and unstable. I know this time of waiting is very hard.
Please pray his numbers come down and stabilize. Please pray he has a good night. Please pray Chris and Chris have a good night, too. Please pray for healing for Seth and for strength and courage for his family.
Thank you, again, dear friends!

Amy Oatley A dream/vision I had last night around 3am. Whenever I awake in the middle of the night, I ask the Holy Spirit to fly me and whoever needs prayer to Jesus in the Tabernacle. I fell back asleep pretty sure and had this vivid movie like picture of hundreds and hundreds of people streaming into Seth's hospital room and the Adoration chapel praying on their knees for Seth. When I awoke this morning, I wondered if it was real because how could hundreds and hundreds of people be allowed into his hospital room! Our Father is listening and loving. As you say, the waiting is hard, yet He is healing Seth in the waiting. Trust in Jesus even more. To Jesus through Mary ❤💙

Regina Kerwin Ricketts Oh my goodness!! I woke at three thirteen this morn and immediately saw myself with others in prayer for Seth. I said my rosary on my fingers ( the way Carol Dills told me to inserting Seth's name in each Hail Mary). Then I went back to sleep. Powerful warriors at work.

Kathy Barth
February 19 · Darboy, WI ·
Latest UPDATE on Seth.
Seth had a rough night of ups and downs last night, but for the most part he comes down on his own.
The doctors want to take the bolt out today, but need to do some other procedures first. They said the longer the bolt is in, the less accurate it is. They aren't sure why his numbers keep going up without stimulation. But, they need them to be stable so they can do the procedures that will hopefully help him and then take the bolt out.
Please PRAY (and ask your family and friends to pray) that his numbers stay calm and stable so the doctors can do what needs to be done.
As always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Kathy Barth
February 19 · Darboy, WI ·
Seth's temperature is going up and his ICP numbers are still not stable. Please keep the prayers coming! For those of you who are Catholic, if you could offer up your Mass today for Seth, that would be wonderful! ALL prayers from everyone are greatly appreciated!

Kathy Barth
February 19 ·
If anyone would like to join together in prayer tonight, my niece Meg, Seth's sister-in-law, is sharing this invitation.... Jesus says, "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I will be also."

Meg Alfaro
February 19 ·
For anyone who is interested I will be at the ministry center chapel at st Thomas tonight around 7:30. Nothing fancy, I might play a couple songs. Maybe do a divine mercy chapter. Feel free to join if you want. Love you Seth Alfaro.

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 19 ·
Today has been quite a roller coaster for Seth and for all of us. The doctors planned to do an important procedure this afternoon, but had to stop when Seth's oxygen levels dropped and they discovered he has pneumonia. That's probably the cause of his elevated temp. So, the procedure was again put on hold and what had seemed like a hopeful day turned discouraging. He is now on antibiotics and they hope to try again on Tuesday. More waiting.
The good news tonight is that his temp is almost back to normal and his ICP numbers are lower and more stable. They are hoping to be able to take the bolt out of his head tomorrow. We thank God for every minute and every day He gives us, even the hard ones.
Thank you, dear friends, for your continued prayers and support. Seth needs them, Chris and Chris and their family need them, Seth's doctors and caregivers need them, we all need them...and we all need to lift up Seth and each other so we can remain strong....strong in God's power and Seth-strong! Our love and thanks to you all!!! #sethstrong

Kathy Barth
February 20 · Oak Creek, WI ·
Latest update on Seth -
As I said earlier, they took the bolt out this morning and they are planning to do an MRI sometime today. If there is no ligament damage in his neck, then they will be able to take the neck brace off. They will also look at his brain with the MRI and that should give them a better idea of the extent of his injury and the prognosis.
Please pray hard for a miracle and a great prognosis! #sethstrong

Kathy Barth
February 20 · Oak Creek, WI ·
Latest update on Seth -
As I said earlier, they took the bolt out this morning and they are planning to do an MRI sometime today. If there is no ligament damage in his neck, then they will be able to take the neck brace off. They will also look at his brain with the MRI and that should give them a better idea of the extent of his injury and the prognosis.
Please pray hard for a miracle and a great prognosis! #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 20 ·
They are taking Seth for his MRI at 10:30. I am in the room with him and they are preparing him now. The MRI will take 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Please pray for him through this--that the stimulation doesn't cause him any problems. Also, please pray that the results are positive.
And pray for continued strength and peace for Chris and Chris and their family!
Thank you all SO much!

Kathy Barth at Fred and Lena Meijer Heart Center.
February 21 · Grand Rapids ·
Latest Update on Seth -
They just brought Seth back to the room after his MRI. They said he did really well and didn't cough at all, which was really good. Won't know any results until tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers! Please pray he has a good night after all of this stimulation. THANK YOU!!!

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 21 ·
Update on Seth -
They just took Seth to the OR to put in a trach and a feeding tube. They think both of these will help with his recovery. Please pray the surgery goes well. It may be several hours before he's back in his room.
The MRI showed no ligament damage in his neck so they were able to remove the neck collar (which will make having a trach easier). He will be heavily sedated during the surgery and today will be a resting/recovery day following all of the procedures.
Their plan is to start lowering the sedation tomorrow and the next day and try to slowly wake him up. But it's going to be a long road. Please pray for perseverance, strength, and grace...and a miracle for our Seth.

Kathy Barth
February 21 · Grand Rapids ·
As I shared in my post this morning, the MRI showed no damage to the ligaments in Seth's neck and they were able to take off his neck brace. In addition, they successfully did the trach surgery and inserted a peg (feeding tube directly into his stomach). He looks so much better with all the stuff off his face! All of these things are great things and steps in the right direction.
However, what I didn't share this morning is that the MRI showed more damage throughout the brain than what the doctors had first thought. There are multiple small brain bleeds throughout Seth's brain and in his brain stem. I didn't share this information immediately because Chris and Chris needed time to process what the doctors told them and to share it with their family.
We do NOT know the extent of the damage (or what may or may not be resolved in the coming days, weeks or months). We may not know that for months. What we do know is that the doctors expect a long road ahead and Seth needs your prayers and support more than ever--so do Chris and Chris and their family.
We are going to continue to storm the heavens and claim healing for Seth through the healing hands of Jesus, the Divine Healer. The doctors admit they do not know what will happen or what Seth's ultimate prognosis will be, only God knows the plans He has for Seth. So, we are going to ask everyone we know to continue to pray for Seth, especially asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and Venerable Solanus Casey. And we are going to stay positive and work side by side with Seth through this journey.
The doctors' immediate plans are to remove all sedation tomorrow and begin to try and wake Seth up. This is our next hurdle. Please pray it goes well.
I ask you to be vigilant in prayer and patient with us. Chris and Chris really need to focus on Seth right now and, as much as they love all of you, are limiting visitors at this time to family only.
I will keep you updated as we learn more. Thanks, again, for your continued prayers for Seth. We really need them. We are grateful for each and every one of you and for each prayer offered on Seth's behalf. Let's storm the heavens and continue to pray for a miracle for our Seth!!!

Kathy Barth
February 22 · Grand Rapids ·
LATEST UPDATE (2/22 am) on Seth -
They lowered one of Seth's sedation meds last night and completely removed it this morning, so he is down to only one sedation medication which they are hoping to completely wean him off sometime today. Of course, we have no idea how long it will take for these meds to actually leave his system. At this point, he is beginning to move his head, shoulders, hands and arms around some, which is very nice to see after him lying so still for over a week.
As they remove the sedation, the doctors will continue to try to wake him up and get him to follow simple commands. Our prayers today are for good signs as he begins this waking process. Please continue to pray for Seth and his family in a special way today!
We are praying for each of you, that your prayers will be multiplied, and that you and your families will be blessed through your loving gift to Seth. Love to all. ❤️ Jesus, our Redeemer, hear our prayers and heal Seth. Mary, our Blessed Mother, wrap your mantle of protection around Seth and his family. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #sethstrong
Katelyn Avery with Kathy Barth.
February 22 ·
UPDATE: Manicure, mini facials, paraffin dips, shampoo/styles, scalp treatments & haircuts. Are involved in the free hair with donations on Monday. Anyone is welcome. Please come and show your support for Seth Alfaro
Free services with the help of donation for Alfaro's family
Mon 5 PM · Tulip City Beauty College - Moored Beauty Schools · Holland
17 people went

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 22 ·
Latest update on Seth -
We have good news to share! The doctors have taken Seth totally off sedation meds and he is BREATHING ON HIS OWN!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! The ventilator is no longer breathing for him. It is still hooked up and set to help him if he should need it, but right now it's only providing a low amount of oxygen support.
In addition, Seth squeezed Ethan's hand on command and wiggled his toes! He also managed to momentarily, partially open one eye. It was really quick, but you could tell he was trying.
Yesterday, the doctors told us it could take 2-3 weeks to get him off the ventilator, so when they turned it off and he was able to breathe on his own today, everyone was very excited and thanking God!
He is not awake yet, but he's moving a lot more. It is nice to see. They also turned on the lights today and opened the blinds in the room to let the sunlight in!
PLEASE keep your prayers coming! Thank you, Jesus!!! #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 23 ·
Latest update on Seth - (2/23 am)
Seth coughed quite a bit last night from about 3:30 on, but the respiratory therapist said he did really well with his breathing throughout it all. He has had no stops or problems with his breathing since they changed the settings on the vent yesterday. So they just lowered it and started him on a 30 minute breathing trial which is him breathing more on his own. He still has oxygen support but there is no push from the ventilator. The amount of oxygen he takes in is totally based on his own breathing. Please pray he does well. He needs to be totally off the ventilator in order to be moved to an acute rehab facility so that is one of our major prayer goals!
Also, as all of the sedation meds that were turned off yesterday totally leave his system, we are hoping he will wake up and begin to respond more. He did start following simple commands yesterday when he squeezed someone's hand or wiggled his toes, but he still hasn't actually woken up. That is another focus for prayer. The sooner he wakes up and begins to respond, the better the doctors will be able to develop a plan for his recovery and the sooner it can get started!
We are hoping and praying for another good day like yesterday. Please keep up the prayers! A special THANK YOU to each one of you from Seth's entire family! Jesus, our Redeemer, heal Seth. Mary, our Blessed Mother, pray for us. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for us. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 23 ·
Latest update on Seth (2/23 pm) -
NO MORE VENTILATOR! After successfully breathing on his own for over 8 1/2 hours now, the respiratory therapist just wheeled the ventilator out of his room! Praise God!!!
That was a major goal met for today!
Now, we need him to wake up! So, please keep storming the heavens. He has definitely been more responsive today...he gave Michael a GREAT thumbs up when Michael asked him to, he's squeezed hands upon request and he's trying to open his eyes...we've seen little peeps of those beautiful eyes. So, please keep praying. He needs to wake up in order to be moved to an acute rehab facility. That is our next goal!
Again, we know there's a long journey ahead and we appreciate every prayer said, every sacrifice made, on his behalf. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, and PLEASE keep praying. We can't do this without you!
Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, heal Seth. Mary, our Blessed Mother, wrap your mantle of protection around Seth. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth
February 24 · Grand Rapids ·
Latest update on Seth (2/24 am)
Seth has done amazing off the ventilator. It isn't even an issue anymore! A doc from Mary Free Bed was in this morning and said that they will take Seth as soon as the hospital is ready to discharge him. That is great news!!!
He spiked a fever again last night. They need to make sure it is not from some type of infection. But, they said it is pretty common for patients with brain injuries to randomly spike fevers for a couple weeks as the brain is trying to fire up again and heal.
So, please pray his fever goes down and he wakes up! That's still the next important goal!
We can't tell you how grateful we are for all of your support and prayers! Please keep them coming and know we are thanking God for each and every one of you! Jesus, please pour your healing spirit upon Seth and heal him. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth shared Dallas Carter's post.
February 24 ·
A lot of people have asked me if there is anything, in addition to prayer, that they can do to help Seth's family. We know the out of pocket medical expenses are going to be tremendous ($10,000 plus), and that's something we don't want Seth's family to have to worry about right now. This is a fund that was set up by Seth's uncle, Dallas Carter. I can vouch that all of the money raised will go directly to Chris and Chris to help defray Seth's medical expenses. If you have any questions, please message me.

Dallas Carter
February 16 ·
Please LIKE and SHARE this post
Ive been thinking about how I could help my nephew. It has been heavy on my heart all day. We have prayed and so have many of you. Thank you very much for that.
As I shared earlier today my nephew, Seth Alfaro fell 25 feet from a roof and is now in a medically induced coma.
They are waiting for the swelling in his brain to subside before the doctors can give a proper prognosis. Please continue to pray for the very best outcome for the prognosis.
In addition to the prayers Id like to raise some funds for his wonderful family as they endure what seems to be a long road ahead while Seth recovers. The very last thing they need to be concerned with right now is money for medical expenses
Please LIKE and SHARE this post. And please do consider donating if you are able. If many family and friends donate small amounts it will surely add up.
Please remember to share this post and please click on the link below to see updates on his progress.
Mahalo nui,

Click here to support Medical fund for Seth Alfaro by Dallas Carter
This medical fund is for my nephew, Seth Alfaro. He fell off a roof near his home in Michigan and is currently in a medically induced coma. They are uncertain…

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 24 ·
Latest Update to Seth - (2/24 pm)
Seth's major accomplishment today was that he's been off oxygen since 1:00 pm this afternoon. The doctors are very pleased with his progress.
Seth was moving more today and a little more alert, but he is not "awake" yet. He opened his eyes a little bit wider and seemed to know when people were talking to him. It's obvious that he's trying to come out of it. Please pray that he wakes up soon!
Also, in order for Seth to be transferred to Mary Free Bed, he must be medically discharged. In order for that to happen, his stomach has to start moving the food they are feeding him through the feeding tube into the intestines. Right now, it's just sitting there and the stomach isn't really working. They have started giving him a medication that will make his stomach contract. Please pray that the medication is successful and his stomach starts working properly again.
Every day, a little more progress. It's slow, but it's steady. Please keep up the prayers! They are keeping Seth and all of us, going. #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth
February 25 · Grand Rapids ·
Latest update on Seth - (2/25 am)
The medicine seems to be working and Seth's stomach is starting to move food through. Chris was really encouraged...she said every time Seth has a hurdle to jump and we ask people to pray, they PRAY and he jumps the hurdle!!! We have an AWESOME GOD and amazing prayer warriors!
They have him sitting up in a chair again. Although his stomach is working better, it still is not as well as it needs to be. They are checking with Mary Freebed to see if they can handle the stomach issue there. If so they may send him today!!! Otherwise they will keep him here until the stomach issue is resolved . Please KEEP PRAYING the stomach issue is resolved!
So today we pray for his stomach and that he continues to wake up!
Thanks, again, for keeping him in your prayers! One step at a time.... Jesus, our Redeemer, heal Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong
Maureen Norton Kathy - is he awake in the chair when he sits up?
· Reply · February 25 at 6:10pm

Kathy Barth No, they kind of prop him in the chair and lean it back a little. He isn't awake or holding himself in the chair.
· Reply · February 26 at 11:28am

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 26 ·
Latest update on Seth - (2/26 am)
We are kind of in a holding pattern right now. We are waiting to hear when Mary FreeBed will transfer Seth to their facility. The medicine seems to be working and his stomach is doing much better, so he should be passing the last hurdle in order for him to be moved.
Seth still has not "woken up." He is definitely having more periods when he responds to simple commands or squeezes our hands or tries to open his eyes, but he is not awake. We so want to see him just open his eyes.
Please keep praying! Our specific prayer for today is that everything medically continues to go well so that he can be transferred. And, also, that he continues to "wake up!"
We know there is a long road ahead. Your prayers are what sustains him and all of us. Thank you!!! Jesus, the Divine Physician, heal Seth. Mary, our Mother, wrap your mantle of protection around him. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for him. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for him. #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 26 ·
This week has been an emotional roller would've been even without Seth's accident, but of course that overshadowed everything.
There is NO way I could've made it through this week without God at my side..and without His help through some amazing angel friends who gave without expecting anything in return...Carla Joseph Grant, Julie Finneran-Augustyn, Pamela Fojtik Strobel, and Sarah Faber. Without your help, I simply would NOT have accomplished everything that needed to be done, especially with my mind somewhere else (in the hospital with Seth).
So, we packed up my home of almost 19 years, where I raised most of my children, where I had the gift of living 3 blocks from my sister (Christine Faber Alfaro), 4 blocks from one brother (David Faber), and 10 minutes from the other (Michael Faber), where I had the privilege of raising our children side by side, where I fell in love with the people of the Saint Thomas and Catholic Central communities.... GR held so many blessings and I will always, ALWAYS consider you home. You will always hold a forever place in my heart.
Yet, amidst the many emotional goodbyes, by far the hardest today was leaving my nephew in that hospital bed and leaving my sister and brother-in-law there with so much unknown. This week, as hard as it's been, was a gift because I was able to spend time with them everyday.
And so, I beg all of you who are reading this to continue to pray diligently for Seth and his family. What they are going through right now makes my week look like nothing... I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers they (and all of us) have received these last two weeks. Please keep storming the heavens for a miracle. All for His glory!!!
We may have had to say goodbye to our house, but that's just a building...our hearts' home is wherever our family and friends are...and that can be multiple places. We'll be spending our summers in Michigan and back frequently, so you Michiganders aren't getting rid of us that easily. We move in to our new house in Appleton on Tuesday, so come visit us! We love you all! #thankyoufriends #michigan❤️ #allforhisglory #sethstrong#helloagainwisconsin #gopackgo😊

Kathy Barth
February 26 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth - (2/26 pm)
Please prayer warriors, pray that Seth's fever breaks. He's spiked another fever of 102 and while they say it's pretty common in the first couple of weeks, it's still scary for his family! Thanks!
More to follow later...

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 27 ·
Latest update on Seth - (2/26 late)
So, today was a hard day. As I shared earlier, Seth spiked a fever. He also had stomach issues again. In addition, he was REALLY worn out from all the activity he had yesterday, so he seemed less responsive and more groggy than yesterday. When you seem to take a step or two backwards, it's hard not to get discouraged. And so I am asking those of you who are still awake (sorry it's so late, I'm on Wisconsin time now) to ask Jesus to comfort Seth's family and give them peace and to continue to heal and bring Seth back to us.
We need to remain positive and prayerful, but sometimes it's hard to do that. That's when we turn to our family and friends for support as we have turned to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for every prayer, every hug, every meal, every donation, every good wish. We do feel you love and support.
We are praying that the fever and stomach issues are quickly resolved so that Seth can be transferred to Mary Free Bed tomorrow. His temp was down to 99.6 last time I talked to Chris. Thank you, Jesus.
You are the BEST prayer warriors and friends we could ask for. Love to you all! #allforhisglory #sethstrong
Kathy Barth updated her status.

February 27 ·
Latest update on Seth - 2/27 am
Seth's fever is going up a little this morning and his respirations are randomly spiking. His nurse says respiration rates can go up when they have pain or discomfort. They are giving him some Motrin for pain. Please pray that helps.
Seth just had another bad feeding this morning, where he had too much that didn't digest. He seems to do good and then has about one feeding each shift that he doesn't. Obviously, the medicine they are giving him is helping, which is good, but we need his stomach to actually get going and back to normal function! Another prayer petition for today.
Also, we are hoping they will be able to transfer Seth to Mary Free Bed today, however we don't know if the fever, stomach issues, and now respiration spikes will delay that. Please pray that these are all resolved and they can move him safely and get started on his rehab.
Mostly, please pray that we stay strong and do not let the spirit of discouragement take hold. May God grant Chris and Chris, and their family, his strength and peace!
Thank you for continuing to support Seth and his family in this journey. They feel your prayer support -- it's what is keeping them going day after day. We are grateful beyond words!!! #allforhisglory #sethstrong
Kathy Barth updated her status.

February 28 ·
Latest update on Seth -
Wow, how life changes in the blink of an eye... We have reached the two week mark since Seth's accident.
Seth is still at Meijer Heart, but he has been moved out of the ICU!!! A special thank you to the dedicated ICU doctors, nurses, technicians, specialists, and caregivers who have treated and cared for Seth these last two weeks. Thank you for keeping him alive! Thank you for your conscientious and diligent care, for your thoughtfulness and respect, for your expertise and concern... We cannot thank you enough for getting Seth to this point. You will forever have our sincerest gratitude!
We found out today that Mary Free Bed can't take Seth until tomorrow or Wednesday. We can't wait to get Seth there and started on the next step of his recovery. A lady from Mary Free Bed came and spoke to Seth's parents today and was so positive about Seth. She said that it is really early yet and the responses we are getting from Seth are really good and really encouraging, especially this early. She wasn't alarmed by his sleepiness. Her visit was very positive and truly helped to lift such a huge weight off of our hearts. It was the encouragement Seth's family needed so badly at this time. We thank God for providing such a renowned rehab facility right here in Grand Rapids! Thank you, Jesus!
Please continue to pray that the other health issues clear up. His feedings are still not always working, even with medication to help his stomach. So we still need prayers for his digestive system to function properly. His temperature is still going up and down, too. Also, please pray for the pneumonia to completely clear up. He is still coughing up quite a bit of gunk. May Jesus bring total healing to Seth, both his body and mind.
Thank you, again, for your perseverance and diligent prayer. It means more than you know. Please pray that we are blessed with peace and patience to accept God's timing and will in all of this. We know that nothing--not a prayer, or sacrifice, or kind word, or moment of suffering is wasted--and so we offer up every moment of this trial for your intentions as well.
Jesus, the Divine Healer, heal Seth. Mary, Blessed Mother, wrap your mantle of protection around Seth. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth
February 28 · Darboy, WI ·
Latest update on Seth - 2/28 am
Seth was moved out of ICU and into a new room very late last night and now has NO MORE MONITORS hooked to him at all! They just check his vitals every few hours. That's a big step!
He still has almost a 102 fever. That alone would wipe out most otherwise healthy adults. Please pray for his temp to go down, that there's no other infection in his body, and that his body temp starts to regulate on its own.
Please pray, also, that a space opens up for Seth at Mary Free Bed. Chris and Chris were able to tour their facility yesterday. It was a little overwhelming, but the work they do there is nothing short of miraculous. We are SO blessed to have such a high caliber rehab facility in our own town and can't wait to get Seth there. All in God's timing!
Thank you, always, for your amazing love and support. It is sustaining us and Seth every day! We couldn't do any of this without your untiring prayer and God's strength holding us up! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
February 28 ·
Latest update on Seth - 2/28 pm
Praise God, all of Seth's tests so far have come back good. They still haven't gotten one back yet, but even if that one is positive, they would just treat him with antibiotics and it would not keep him from going to MFB. Thank you SO much for praying for all of his tests!
Unfortunately, even with the good test results, we were not able to transfer Seth to MFB today because the insurance still has not approved it. So, we need additional prayers that the insurance company will hurry up and approve the transfer so that we can be all set to move him in the morning.
Although he has still had a fever today, it hasn't been as high. For that we are also grateful.
They put in a smaller tube and capped off Seth's trach today. He did okay for while, but then his breathing got really labored and they ended up opening the cap back up and running some air and humidity. His breathing relaxed immediately. Usually they cap the trach in 2 steps, putting in the smaller tube first and then later the cap, so he still did one new step today and is doing great with the smaller tube. This is another good step.
Again, thank you for all of your prayers today. Please keep praying that Seth's fever stays down and the insurance approval comes through in the morning so we can get him transferred to Mary Free Bed...and keep praying for patience for all of us. All in God's timing, not ours. You are a blessing to all of us. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth with Seth Alfaro.
March 1 ·
So many people have asked what they can do to help Seth and his family. Our first response is always, "Pray!"
In addition, Seth's mom told me that there is nothing Seth would like better than to wake up and find out that tons of people have been listening to his music. He wants to share his gift with the world. If you have a minute, listen to some of his songs...Seth's favorite right now seems to be "Rollin' Dice." When they've played it for him he's tried to smile and almost seemed to keep time! Please feel free to share this link. The more people who hear about Seth, the more prayers we'll get!

Seth Alfaro
21 yr old singer/rapper from Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 1 ·
Latest update on Seth -
We have such GOOD NEWS to share today!
Seth is definitely waking up more today. He has been moving his right leg all night, bending it and bringing his knee up and down. Like right now he is sleeping with it bent and out to the side. He's also been lifting his arm all the way up and feeling his hair. He has been almost "conversational" this morning. He shook his head "no" in response to a couple questions. He opened his eyes when Chris asked him to. They were wider than ever and he kept squinting and blinking them like you do when you're groggy and trying to focus them. He is responding to the light, too. When Chris turned the light on this morning, he put his hand up and actually covered his eyes!!! Lots of signs of him waking up more! Praise God!
The ambulance is set up to transfer him to Mary Free Bed at 11:00 am if we get insurance approval. We are still waiting to find out about that. But we are just so happy and thankful to see a little more of Seth this morning and couldn't wait to share this wonderful news with you! Thank you, Jesus! #allforHISglory #sethstrong
More updates to follow...Keep the prayers coming! Thank you!

Kathy Barth
March 1 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/1 pm
Well, the good news continues...
Seth has continued to be more responsive today. He will have moments when he is very lucid and will do what is asked or will answer questions with a head shake. Then he will quickly appear to be back asleep. Friends who've gone through traumatic brain injuries say this is very common.
He is continually using more muscles, lifting his arm, his leg and even his head at times.
Today he put his arm around his older brother Michael in a hug and tried to kiss his sister Andrea's hand! Tonight, when the nurse was brushing his teeth, he put his hand up and she asked him if he wanted to hold the toothbrush. He didn't just hold it, he started brushing his teeth! The nurse looked at him and said, "He is soooo ready for rehab!" Please pray the insurance approval comes through tomorrow.
Tonight Seth seems to be uncomfortable. When the nurse asks him if he has pain he doesn't really respond or shakes his head no. But then she asked him to squeeze her hand if there is something she can do for him. He squeezed it very tight. We just can't figure out what it is he needs. Please pray we can figure out what he needs or wants. It is heart breaking not knowing!
Please pray that Seth will be comfortable and can sleep well tonight. The more his body is waking up from the sedation, the more restless and uncomfortable he
seems to be getting. Please also pray that he can go to MFB tomorrow. We really think he needs to get out of this bed!
Thank you all for your constant prayers! As much as we have begged, and continue to beg, for complete healing for Seth, we also need to offer up prayers of thanksgiving!
Thank you, Jesus, for answering our cries. Please continue to pour your healing power upon Seth. Mary, our Blessed Mother, please wrap your mantle of protection around him. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for him. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 2 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/2 am
Sometimes there are just no words to describe the emotions or intense gratitude flowing from your heart....
Today there are no words...
This morning, Seth's mother Chris was sitting on the edge of Seth's bed. Without any prompting, Seth reached up and put his hand around her neck and pulled her to him and hugged her!!!
There are no words....
A hug from the son you feared might never wake up.
Oh, thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, Jesus, that Seth continues to wake up and we see more and more of him each day!
Our prayers for today continue to be that the insurance approval comes through and Seth is able to be transferred to Mary Free Bed so he can begin therapy.
We also ask prayers for Seth's Dad, Chris, who is getting sick. Please pray he will get better quickly and that Chrissy and the whole family can stay well and strong. Also pray for protection over Seth so that he doesn't catch anything.
I said there are no words. I take that back. Because now I'm shouting, "Thank you, Jesus!!!" while tears of joy flow.
Seth has a long road to healing and there will likely be many mountains or obstacles to surmount along the way, but in that hug we can feel God reaching down and hugging not only Seth, but each one of us.
As we continue to pray for Seth and all those we are lifting up in prayer, let's take a moment today to hug the special people in our lives. For we know now the power of a hug!!!
May God bless you all. We thank you, our dear friends and prayer warriors, that you are standing by Seth's side as he walks this journey. May God thank you in ways far beyond what we can say or do.
Thank you, Jesus!!! ALL FOR YOUR GLORY, LORD!!! #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth
March 2 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth -
The insurance approval came!!! Praise God! Seth gets to move today!!!
He continues to be more and more aware...he reached for his little nephews and hugged them and kissed his Mom on the cheek three times while she was hugging him! He also tried to talk for the first time. We don't know what he was trying to say because you can't talk with a trach in, but he was lipping words.
Praise God for His merciful healing power!
Please pray the transfer goes well...
I'll update you when he is successfully at Mary Free Bed.
Thank you again for all of your prayers. Please keep them coming! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 3 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/2 pm
Seth made it safe and sound to Mary Free Bed this afternoon. He handled the transfer fine. He even put his hand out to shake his nurse's hand when he got there. You can see Catholic Central and the Cathedral out Seth's window. We are so excited he is finally here! The real work begins tomorrow. Please pray for Seth as the hard work to recovery begins and as he starts to realize what has happened to him. May God keep him strong and in good spirits.
We can't even begin to thank you all for getting us to this point. Your constant prayers kept his family going as they spent countless hours and days, rarely leaving his side, not knowing whether he would live or die or breathe on his own or wake up... There are still so many unknowns, but every day we see more of our beloved Seth returning to us. A wave, a hug, a kiss, a tear...they all show us that, by the grace of God, our Seth is not only alive, but coming back to us. We are so grateful!
Please keep praying for Seth and his family in the days and weeks ahead. They are going to need your support more than ever before!
May every day, every accomplishment, every skill relearned be All For His Glory! Thank you, Jesus, for continuing to answer our prayers. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 4 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/3
Seth began his first day of rehab at Mary Free Bed today. It was a very busy day. They worked with Seth a lot! He followed commands very well and really tried what they asked. It is amazing all the specific little details they notice. He is moving more and gaining more muscle control all the time.
We are so thankful that Seth is where he is and realize that the timing is probably just right because he is really ready for therapy, much more so than he was the beginning of the week. God always knows, even when we are impatient.
One awesome thing to share about his day today is that his mother has been blessing him with holy oil and holy water from Lourdes several times a day throughout all of this. Well, this morning when she blessed him, he made the sign of the cross!! God is good!!!
As we walk this journey with Seth we are uplifted and strengthened by your prayers and love. Seth has an amazing army of prayer warriors lifting him up before the throne each day and we are grateful beyond words. Thank you!
Jesus, our Divine Healer, heal Seth. Mary, our Mother, wrap him and each of us in your mantle. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 5 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/5 early am
I apologize for how late this update is, but now that Seth is in therapy the days are much busier for him, and I may not get an update from my sister until late. I do not want to disturb their schedule or hard work by sending a lot of texts or asking too many questions.
Seth is more and more alert each day. But still, Chris says he'll seem wide awake one minute and then drift off to sleep the next second. That seems to be pretty common for brain injuries. He recognizes all of his family and is becoming emotional and very affectionate when he sees them. He does seem to be more sad as he becomes more and more aware of his situation. Playing his music makes him sad now, too.
But, God has blessed him with peace and patience. God's grace is definitely visible. Overall his left side is much weaker than his right. They said that is common and eventually the left side will catch up to the right.
All the therapists are really positive about how quickly he is progressing. Yesterday they tried to have him stand, but he couldn't. Today they had him walking with a tall walker on wheels. It was a lot of hard work for him, but just the fact that he was standing is amazing when you consider that just a few days ago he was hardly awake and barely even moving his limbs while laying in bed.
It is so surreal when we actually step back and try to process the fact that Seth is going through all this and has to relearn so much, but we praise God for every positive step he makes. Watching his progress, it's like we are watching a miracle unfold! Thank you for your prayers. Please don't stop!
One more thing, we can tell already that Seth has not lost his sense of humor! Several of the therapists have noticed already by some of his motions and expressions. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing our goofy Seth back to us! We can't wait to hear him laugh again!!
The road ahead is long, but we are encouraged by his progress. Thank you for walking this path with us and holding Seth up through your prayers. Jesus, thank you for your healing power and grace. Please continue to pour it upon Seth and all of our loved ones who are in need. #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth
March 5 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth -
I'd like to ask for specific prayers today to help Seth battle against sadness and discouragement. While we are all SO grateful that he is alive and actually making wonderful progress, we have to imagine what this is like for Seth. He woke up and suddenly can no longer do things that we all take for granted. We had weeks to consider all of this. He just woke up to it. As he becomes more and more aware, he is getting very sad, frustrated and discouraged that the things he could do and wants to do, are now such a struggle or impossible for him.
On one hand, this is actually wonderful news, because we realize that Seth truly knows that this is not his "normal." But, it is very sad and frustrating to Seth, and seeing his discouragement and sadness is really hard for his parents and family. Please continue to lift them up in prayer, too, so that they can stay positive and help keep Seth's spirits lifted up.
Also, please pray they are soon able to take the trach out. It is really bothering him. He actually pulled it out last night and they had to quickly put a new one in. Fortunately, he did well with it capped this morning and we are hoping they will soon be able to remove it.
They can really tell that Seth wants to work hard and get going in his therapy, but it is, of course, exhausting and very hard. Still, today was better than yesterday and we rejoice as we continue to see daily improvement!
Nights are hard for him. He just can't get comfortable and is very fidgety. If you happen to wake up during the night, please pray for him.
Thank you, again, for all of your prayers, dear friends. We really need them as this journey continues. Praising God for answering our cries.... #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 6 ·
Latest update on Seth -
I thought I'd share, with her permission, this text from my sister-in-law, Sarah Faber, that I received last night.
"Dave and I visited Seth, Chris and Chris tonight. It was so nice to see Seth sitting up in a wheel chair, dressed and out in the family waiting room! He recognized us and reached his hand out and even smiled! It was so beautiful to see. Unbelievable progress from one week ago and I'm sure one week from now will be that much better! Praise the Lord! Obviously he has a long way to go, but THANK YOU, JESUS!"
I was with Seth just a week ago and I can assure you that this is MIRACULOUS progress from where he was just 7 days ago. God is good and He is answering our prayers!
Please, please, keep up the prayers...for Seth's mental, emotional and physical aspects of his recovery...and that his strong determination will shine through and really help him on this tough journey.
He is really struggling with "turning on" his voice. For those of you who know Seth well, you know how important singing is to him. Also, not being able to communicate is very hard. He is really trying to communicate things to them, and it's frustrating on his part and his family's. He's trying so hard!!! Please pray he has a break through with communication this week!
I'd also like to ask for prayers for Seth's family, particularly his parents and siblings who are all feeling the strain and fatigue of being apart for 3 weeks now. Seth has 2 older siblings, and 4 younger ones still living at home. This has been so hard on all of them and I know they can all use our prayers.
As always, your prayers--both in petition and thanksgiving--are SO important and SO appreciated. We can't thank you enough. And
we can't thank Him enough!!! #allforhisglory

Kathy Barth
March 7 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/6 pm
Seth had another very busy day of therapy. We are SO proud of him. Fortunately, Seth's strong work ethic and determination that you all know is alive and well! He works so hard with everything he does.
There are a few specific prayer requests we would like everyone to pray for:
His left side is definitely not as strong as the right side. Please pray that his brain finds new pathways to get that side working well, too! Seth is not happy that his left arm is so weak and not working right. But, rather than get upset and quit, he uses his right hand to lift his left arm and tries to make it move. For instance, sometimes if he has an itch on his face, instead of itching it with his right hand which would be easy for him, he will use his right hand to lift his left hand up to his face to try to itch it with his left hand. The therapist said that displays incredible drive and determination to get better and not accept less. Our Seth is a tough guy!
The second prayer request is for him to be able to talk. He is constantly trying to tell Chris and Chris and his therapists things and they cannot understand him. He is making a little sound like a whisper at times, and mouthing tons of words which is a huge accomplishment from 2 days ago when he didn't even seem to make the connection or try when asked. He is improving every day, but it would be great if he could find his voice sooner rather than later so he could communicate. It is getting frustrating for him and for his family.
Of great note, God's grace is evident in him as he is staying calm and displaying great patience. He is showing frustration and sadness, but no anger. This is such an answer to prayer!
Another great thing is that his trach was capped almost all day today and, for the most part, he did really well. He had a couple of instances when he was napping that his breathing got very loud and labored and they had to remove the cap, but he recovered quickly. Please continue to pray that he is able to breathe perfectly without the trach so he can get it out soon.
Thanks everyone for your continuous love, support, and PRAYER! We can't thank you enough!!! We can't thank God enough!!! #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth
March 7 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/7/17
We have a true cause for REJOICING!!!
I am going to share a text and photo I just got from my sister, Seth's mom.
"Miracles are happening! Seth still cannot talk which is extremely frustrating for him. So his speech therapist had him try writing. This is one of the things he wrote! In the middle of his pain, he is giving glory to God! His therapist asked him if he wanted to pray the Our Father with her. He shook his head yes. He mouthed the whole Our Father and then tried to say, "I love you, God." His therapist said he was an inspiration to her! No doubt, God is at work!"
Look at the photo below. If someone you know doesn't believe in miracles, show them this. Yes, our GOD IS GOOD and Seth's love for God is as strong as ever! Thank you, Jesus!!!! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth
March 8 · Appleton, WI ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/7 late
So much happened today with Seth that we can't even begin to explain. Suffice it to say, his mental function all day long was absolutely miraculous!!!
He had a very busy and full day and we are asking for prayers that he has a good night. He did not get much sleep during the day today and they are trying him with his trach capped off during the night, so please pray he is able to sleep well and to breathe well while he is sleeping. They haven't been able to take the trach out yet because although he does great with it capped while he's awake, his breathing gets more labored when it's capped while he is sleeping. So, prayers for both a good night and good breathing would be greatly appreciated.
The other thing we'd really like prayers for is that God will give Seth his voice back. He is trying so hard to communicate and just wants to talk so badly. He mouthed tonight, "that's all I want."
So many prayers of thanksgiving today for prayers answered with miracle after miracle! Thank you, Lord!!! As Seth wrote today, "My God is good." Yes, our God is good, indeed!!!
We send our unending love and overflowing gratitude to our God and to each of you! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 8 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/8 pm
Seth had a harder day today. Yesterday he was completely with it all day. Mentally, he did not act like he had a brain injury. Praise God! But we think he probably just wore himself out, so today has been tougher. He is very tired and zoned out more. That is normal for a brain injury, but of course we would like a quick miracle... Still, we have seen so many miraculous signs and gifts and we treasure every one of them. We know there will be good days and GREAT days like yesterday, and then there will be bad or not so good days, too. Please pray that Seth, and all of us, are patient!
Seth has made good progress with his breathing. He made it through the whole night with his trach capped!!! They want him to breathe problem-free for 72 continuous hours with it capped and then they can totally remove it! Please pray he continues to do well with it capped.
Again, we are just so grateful to witness Seth returning to us. To put things in perspective, just a few days ago they put blocks in front of Seth that had the letters of his name on them. The therapist then asked him if he could put the blocks in order to spell his name. But he just stared at them. Then yesterday, he not only spelled his name (without the help of blocks), but he wrote it in his own normal handwriting!!!! That is miraculous progress and we are so grateful. And so, we take the harder days along with the great ones and pray the good days become more and more frequent!!!
Thank you, again, for all of your prayers, love and support. We are grateful beyond words!
Jesus, our precious Savior, please continue to pour your healing power on Seth. Mary, our Blessed Mother, wrap your mantle of protection around him and his family. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 9 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/9
Seth is begging for something to drink. His mouth is so dry. He "told" his nurse that he's dying of dehydration. We all want to say, "Yay, his senses are working! That's great. Give him a drink of water or at least some ice chips to wet his mouth! Don't make him suffer."
But, while we all take drinking a glass of water for granted, there are soooo many things involved that must be working properly for Seth to be able to have even a sip of water.
His swallow is weak. They need to do a video swallow study to make sure when he swallows it goes down the right tube. But they can't do the video swallow study until he has the trach out and he can't get the trach out until it's been successfully capped for 72 hours, which isn't until tomorrow morning. And since tomorrow is Friday, they may not be able to do the study until Monday.
But, Seth just had speech therapy and his therapist thought he was much improved with his breath support, sequencing and swallowing. She was so happy with his progress that she's going to ask respiratory if his trach could possibly come out today!!!
And so, dear prayer warriors, let's storm the heavens that all the little and big details that need to happen (the trach coming out, a positive swallow study, etc.) happen sooner, rather than later, so that Seth's parched throat can be relieved.
Thank you for EVERYTHING-- every prayer, every sacrifice, every pain offered up, every kind thought, every meal, every t-shirt, every donation, every hug!!! Seth is surrounded by the most loving and supportive people of God and words cannot possibly express the gratitude in our hearts. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers and for your saving grace. ALL FOR YOUR GLORY, LORD! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 10 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/10
The trach is out!!! Yay!!! They couldn't remove it yesterday because they needed to check out any potential swelling around his vocal cords this morning, but it is now out and Seth is VERY happy about it!!!
They also did the swallow study this morning and found that the problem with his voice and swallowing is the overall weakness on his left side. But it is all getting stronger every day and will come with time. He was able to safely swallow some soft foods, but had trouble with thin liquids, so no water yet. They will begin testing thicker liquids and soft foods to see what he can begin eating safely until that left side gets going. We are very excited! He's getting there!
Also, yesterday Seth had a good day! He did walking in the zero gravity harness which holds some of his body weight for him. He was going so fast compared to before and was moving his left leg on his own. He told his therapists that he wants to run. Thank you, Jesus!
Please keep praying that Seth's left side gets stronger so he can talk and swallow. Seth wants so badly to be able to communicate and to be able to have a drink of water.
Everyone's prayers are being answered. One sweet friend told me that from now until Seth can have a drink of water, every time she takes a drink of water she is going to say a special prayer for Seth! Everyone's prayers and support is so heartwarming and we are truly grateful!!! Thank you, Jesus! Lord, please continue to pour your healing power on Seth. #allforhisglory#sethstrong

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 11 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/11
"Applesauce is SO good!"
According to Seth! He is also getting to drink a type of nectar this morning. Water is still too thin for him to handle, but he is getting to drink something. And he is fully awake and alert this morning and "talking" (in a whisper) up a storm. Praise God!!! Seriously, to God be ALL the honor and glory for His miraculous healing power!!!
I had the privilege and blessing of talking to my sister, Seth's mom, for two hours last night (something that she can't normally do because when she's at the hospital she's always with Seth and they are limiting any side conversations that are not directly with Seth). She asked me over and over to convey to you their DEEPEST GRATITUDE -- and Seth's gratitude!!! He can't believe that so many people are praying for him so intensely....even people he's never met. From the bottom of our hearts, "Thank you!!!!!!!" She also wanted me to ask you not to stop. There's so much work that needs to be done yet and they know they can't do it without being covered in God's grace.
A few days ago, I asked you all to pray for peace and patience for Seth. At that time he had been frantically trying to "tell" them something for two days and no one could understand what he was trying to say. He was not at peace, he couldn't sleep, and everyone was so frustrated because they couldn't understand or help him. Once everyone started praying for peace and patience, he totally relaxed. When they told him not to worry--that someday soon he'd be able to tell them everything--he accepted it with a peace and grace that was evident and from God alone. He has totally received the peace and patience we prayed for!
Every time we have prayed for something specific, God has answered our prayers!
And so now I ask you to pray for Seth's left side. It is the weakness on his left side that is preventing him from talking and swallowing and balancing and walking. The left side needs to catch up to the right side. It is getting stronger, but it isn't there yet.
The other thing she wanted me to share with you is that our SETH IS REALLY BACK, only stronger, with an intense awareness and gratitude to God for saving his life and a greater appreciation for God, his faith, and his family. She said it is truly BEAUTIFUL to see! He may not be able to walk or talk or swallow or do things we all take for granted, but he is so kind and loving and so absolutely grateful. The entire staff at MFB loves him. And for these answered prayers--that his personality and faith and love for God and family are all in tact and stronger than ever--we are the MOST GRATEFUL of all.
To just say, "Thank you!" seems so inadequate. May God bless you as you have blessed us! You all have our prayers for your families and intentions. Let's keep storming the heavens and watch God's miracles continue to unfold. Jesus, loving Savior, thank you! Please continue to pour your healing love on Seth! #allforhisglory #sethstrong

Kathy Barth at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital.
March 13 · Grand Rapids ·
Latest update on Seth Alfaro - 3/13 - 1 Month
Today officially marks one month since Seth's fall. A month that has drastically changed Seth's life, and hopefully, in a good way, has also changed ours as we have witnessed God's miraculous power and love.
I promised I'd share more with you about Seth's spiritual journey thus far and the miracles God is working in Seth's life.
Seth has said so many times since waking up that it would have been so much easier to just "close his eyes," and fade away and die, than to stay and fight. He felt all the pain, but he saw all of us who needed him and all those who were praying for him and he fought to come back.
He remembers seeing what he calls a "video" of him falling (no one taped him falling) and remembers begging God for his life--even 30 seconds more. He says he's never begged for anything more in his life. He didn't beg for himself, because it would've been easier to just let go. No, he begged for us--those who needed and loved him. He remembers begging for his mom. He didn't "see" God, but he heard His voice and felt His tremendous love for him. He said he felt surrounded in love 24/7.
During the night/early morning of February 19th (the beginning of day 6) I couldn't fall sleep and was praying for Seth. I really felt I should post asking anyone who was still up to pray for Seth. His ICP numbers had been high all day and I felt he needed prayers. This was 2:00 am my time, 3:00 am Michigan time.
The next morning 31 people had replied to my middle of the night post including one woman who wrote this:
"A dream/vision I had last night around 3am. Whenever I awake in the middle of the night, I ask the Holy Spirit to fly me and whoever needs prayer to Jesus in the Tabernacle. I fell back asleep pretty sure and had this vivid movie like picture of hundreds and hundreds of people streaming into Seth's hospital room and the Adoration chapel praying on their knees for Seth. When I awoke this morning, I wondered if it was real because how could hundreds and hundreds of people be allowed into his hospital room!"
Another person I have never met confirmed the same thing, adding this post:
"Oh my goodness!! I woke at three thirteen this morn and immediately saw myself with others in prayer for Seth. I said my rosary on my fingers (the way Carol Dills told me to inserting Seth's name in each Hail Mary). Then I went back to sleep. Powerful warriors at work."
While in his coma, Seth saw/experienced this EXACT SAME SCENE!!! He said he saw his room overflowing with people praying for him, spilling out into five other rooms, all praying for him. He saw people he knew and people he didn't know...All praying for him. He SAW us praying for him. He FELT the power of our prayers. And he said he continued to fight to come back because of those prayers! He wants you to know that YOUR PRAYERS made the difference.
Do not let anyone EVER tell you that prayers are not powerful, because they are!!! We may not always get the answer we want, but God does answer. And sometimes, like now, we get even more than we've asked for.
Conversely, do not put off praying for people in need. Do not let other things "get in the way" of praying for those who need us. For, just as Seth saw all those of us who were praying for him, he said he also saw those who weren't. He saw all the people who didn't stop and pray and it hurt. He said it hurt more because he realized that he used to be one of those people--someone who said, "Yeah, I'll pray, but then let other things get in the way, and didn't pray." And he said that will never be him again!
When Seth found out yesterday was Sunday, he tried to get out of bed to go to Mass. Obviously, that was not possible, but he said he had to go because "all of the people who are suffering need him there" and need his prayers.
This young 21-year-old man has done more than "wake up" in the last month as we prayed for...he's had a real awakening! Your prayers have impacted Seth far beyond his physical healing. He has been very touched by them and can't quit talking about it.
In Seth's own words, that he shared with his younger siblings, "I live for Him now. I am His. Every minute is a gift from Him."
Seth still needs our prayers for continued physical strength and healing, but I can't help but want to spend today, on this one month anniversary, on my knees in thanksgiving! We have an amazing God who saves us, heals us, and loves us beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. To HIM be all the honor and glory forever! #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 14 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/14
I've been writing these updates every day (sometimes multiple times a day) since Seth's accident over a month ago and today is a first...Seth had his mom call to tell me what he wanted to tell all of you!
Seth wanted you to know he had a drink of WATER today!!!
Unfortunately, he was just testing it and it went down too quickly, so he still can't have it yet. But, he wanted you to know he got his first drink of water in a month and it felt good! His throat is so dry and parched that he can't wait to actually be able to drink water again, so please keep praying for that! I know some of you are praying for Seth every time you drink water...that's so wonderful and greatly appreciated. Please don't stop!
Also, please keep praying for his left side. It gets stronger every day, but it still has a ways to go. The left side is what is holding up things like swallowing, talking in a full voice, balancing while standing, walking...
He is making progress, though. He can balance while sitting (like on the edge of his bed), just not while standing. He is also finding his voice and can talk now (not in full voice yet, but above a whisper!) and we love to hear him laugh again! What a gift! The staff at MFB will tell you that he hasn't lost his great sense of humor! Praise God!!!
What we also want to share with you is that we are all witnessing a miracle before our eyes. With each new day and accomplishment Seth is amazing even the "miracle-working" doctors and professionals at MFB with his progress. It is beyond their expertise, knowledge or is simply God at work. Seth is defying the "odds" and out "performing" the findings of his MRI. He is a living miracle and he wants you to know how much he appreciates every prayer you have said, every sacrifice you have made, and every pain you've offered up for him. And he asks you to keep praying, because he knows the power of your prayers!
Please continue to pray that new pathways are made in his brain so that he makes a full and complete recovery.
I want to end today's update by sharing something that Seth's dad, Christopher, texted the family last night. He said:
"'And they will know they are Christians by their love.' I am truly blown away by the love of strangers. I wish I could hug them and all my family of believers right now. It is because of them and you all that Seth is here today.❤"
Seth is here. He is alive and working hard! He is living each day for God now. He is raising each of you up in his prayers and offering his pain and frustrations and suffering and limitations up for you and your intentions and all those who are suffering. It is a beautiful thing. Thank you for being part of God's miraculous work. Let's keep storming the heavens and see where the Lord leads Seth and all of us.
Jesus, thank you! Please continue to heal and restore Seth and all those who call out to you in their pain and suffering. Mary, wrap your mantle of protection around Seth and all those who suffer. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. Sending you our thanks, love, and a big HUG! #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Kathy Barth
March 15 ·
Latest update on Seth Alfaro - 3/15
Last night, Chris asked me to share with all those who are praying what the MFB doctor who first evaluated Seth in the hospital said to them yesterday. He said everyone in the ICU was very surprised he agreed to take Seth to MFB for rehab. They all figured that Seth would need to go into a long term care facility. The results of his MRI were bleak--the prognosis uncertain and not at all positive. And, this doctor really didn't see any of the responses we had gotten from Seth, so he really had no reason to take him. But, he listened to what the family had seen and said he saw this young man lying there and just wanted to give him a chance. So he agreed to take Seth to MFB and our hearts were all lifted...our prayers renewed. That is the power of prayer!
This same doctor told them yesterday that Seth's progress is amazing him and everyone at MFB--every day! Like I said before, it is beyond the scope of what they normally see. They are as amazed as we are! What an awesome God we have.
And, while God has been at work mending together Seth's physically broken parts, He has been at work doing so much more.
I'd like to share my daughter Kaitlin's post from last night. She texted me just SOOO excited and said, "Mom, I am SO happy! I'm here visiting with Seth and he's back--only better than ever before. My heart is overflowing!"
I just read her Facebook post and I can't think of a better way to share this miracle with you...
"Hey there everyone. I wanted to thank you all again for the prayers you have lifted to heaven for my cousin and our family. The past month has been a rollercoaster. I was able to stop by and see Seth today and I cannot convey how happy my heart is. It was so good to hear him talk, see him smile and hear him laugh. He was telling jokes, teasing his siblings and I felt like I was truly seeing him again for the first time since the accident. It was nice to have Seth "back" and stronger than ever. Sure he may be physically weaker but he is showing so much strength with his resilient and rediscovered love of the Lord.
Seth specifically asked us to put on the song "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" while I was there. He said it really speaks to what he has been going through. We had a lovely little praise and worship session. I can't wait until he is back on the guitar and leading praise and worship as I know it will take on so much more of a new meaning now. Keep up the prayers my friends."
If you have a couple of minutes, please listen to this song. I had goosebumps! It perfectly describes Seth's journey, and quite possibly, some of our own journeys. Jesus, Healer of all, continue to heal Seth and THANK YOU for healing us in ways we don't even realize we need. #allforhisglory#sethstrong #beyondourhopesanddreams

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again (Lyrics) By: Danny Gokey
Email me song requests: Follow me on Instagram:

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 16 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/16
Seth can have water!!! As much as he wants!!! Our prayers for water have been answered. Thank you!!!
Now please continue to pray for new pathways in his brain so that he can gain control of his left side. And pray for patience. We are SO grateful for the miracles that God has already given us in Seth's amazing recovery, and we are praying that He will continue to heal and strengthen Seth in all ways.
Seth is working hard!!! It's frustrating for someone who had previously been in such great shape, to not be able to do simple things we take for granted, but he is not letting it defeat him. He will continue to work each day and be strengthened by your prayers and support. Thank you for continuing to pray for him!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Miracles are happening...and not just with Seth! Jesus, Divine Healer, please continue to heal Seth and all those who cry out to you. Blessed Mother Mary, please wrap your mantle of protection around him. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for Seth. Venerable Solanus Casey, pray for Seth. #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 17 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/17
Today was another very good day for Seth! We have so much to thank God for!
Seth's diet was upgraded today. He is now only one step away from an unrestricted diet! He is looking forward to eating his beloved Swiss Cake Roll tonight!
Also, Seth's balance and walking have improved so much that his family members have been approved to help Seth in and out of bed and his wheel chair. They can also help him walk in the hallways!! Praise God for so many answered prayers! Our hearts are filled with such gratitude.
But, while we are so joyous over Seth's daily advances and the miracles we are witnessing, today our hearts are also filled with tremendous sorrow. Seth's brother, Ethan, lost a classmate and friend last night, Catholic Central senior, Jared Pilczuk. I am personally heartbroken having had two of my sons bowl with Jared on the Varsity Bowling Team and having coached his sister Kathryn for three years. I know and love the entire Pilczuk family and my heart goes out to them all.
And so we ask you, our dear prayer warriors, if you would please extend your prayers to this very special family in our community, for they are in the very place we prayed so hard not to be. We can't even imagine what they are going through and our hearts break for them. We would love it if all of you who are praying for Seth could also lift up the Pilczuk family....for the repose of Jared's soul, for his 14 year old brother, Nick, who was also in the car and is in the hospital, for their grieving mother (who lost her husband unexpectedly 3 years ago this week), and for his siblings. Also raise up his family, friends and the CC community, especially the senior class and Seth's brother, Ethan.
Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for continuing to pray for Seth and for praying for Jared and his family and friends.
We KNOW God answers our prayers..not always how we'd like...but He does answer. He is a loving and gracious God who, with Jared's dad Allen by his side, will welcome Jared home with wide stretched arms. He can and will give the Pilczuk family the strength and grace to carry this tremendous cross of loss and somehow become stronger. Oh dear Lord, we are grieving one of your children tonight. Please take Jared home and console and comfort his family. Please heal Nick and all those broken by Jared's death. Mary, wrap your mantle of protection around his mother, siblings, and the entire Pilczuk family. Lord, we trust in you...even when we are hurting and don't understand. #allforhisglory #sethstrong #beyondourhopesanddreams#jesuswelcomehimhome

Kathy Barth
March 19 · Grand Rapids ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/18
When Seth was first moved to MFB, they told his parents to expect him to make improvements and then plateau, make more improvements and then plateau again....
The amazing thing about Seth's time at MFB is that every day he continues to improve and get better! There have been no plateaus. Everyone there is so excited with his progress that they have given him more and more things to do and have worked him longer and longer. In fact, they are doing over double the amount of therapy each day than they'd originally planned. That is amazing!!!
And, today, Seth walked a few steps on his own with no one supporting him. The miracles continue!!!
While we rejoice over every new accomplishment, we continue to pray for Seth...for his perseverance, endurance, and strength. He is working really hard, but it is REALLY hard work. He is having to relearn things we all take for granted...things like swallowing, talking, balancing, walking, and keeping a straight gait. With each new day, he digs down deep and pushes himself to do more, and thanks to your prayer support, he is making progress every day. Thank you!!!
The right side of his brain is making new pathways giving him more control over his left side, but it's still weaker than his right side. So, please keep praying for that in particular.
Thank you, again, for your continued prayers! Seth wouldn't be doing as well as he is doing, and amazing the entire staff at MFB, without your prayer support. We are truly grateful! #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 19 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/19
I told Seth that I would be writing today's update with tears streaming down my face. Tears of joy and gratitude. Yes, I told Seth--in person--and he answered me. I hugged Seth and HE HUGGED ME BACK!!!
The last time I saw him and told him goodbye, he was laying in a bed, unable to respond, or open his eyes. Today, he conversed with us for an hour and a half--in almost his FULL voice--sharing his story, his faith, his struggles, his hopes, his fears, and over and over again, his TREMENDOUS GRATITUDE.
I know I've said it before, but this time I heard it directly from Seth himself...your prayers kept him alive!!! He stressed that over and over again--he is alive today because of all of our prayers. And he is extremely grateful!
He explained that he was SO close to dying, and would have, if he hadn't felt our prayers. He said it would have been so easy to just let go and die, but he felt our prayers inside him and surrounding him, and it was those prayers that kept him fighting to stay alive even though it was so hard to do.
He wants us to know the power that our prayers have...for him and for all those we pray for. Never stop praying, never think our prayers don't matter, never think our prayers don't count.
I have so much more to share with you, but for tonight, Seth would like prayers that he is able to sleep better. He was very tired when we left and is not looking forward to his five hours of therapy tomorrow. He has been having trouble sleeping--both staying asleep and getting restful sleep that isn't filled with bad dreams of accidents. He would really love to be able to sleep through the night without dreams and without waking. Getting good sleep is very important for him since he needs to be rested in order to do all of his therapy. So, if we could all pray for that, he would really appreciate it.
He mentioned my posts several times. He is very grateful that so many people are following his story and are praying for him daily. He is amazed and overcome with gratitude that even total strangers are praying for him. Today, he went on Facebook and started accepting friend requests of the new prayer warriors in his life. He said that he would like it if people who are friend requesting him would include a short message saying they are praying for him or how they have heard about him.
There's so much more to tell--my mind is spinning--but please be assured of Seth's gratitude and ours. Today I received one of the best hugs of my life and one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given--I got to witness a true miracle before my eyes. Thank you for your part in that. Thank God for answering our prayers! May God grant Seth and all of us a restful night. #allforhisglory #sethstrong #beyondourhopesanddreams #thepowerofprayer#hugs❤️

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 20 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/20
I'm so proud of Seth! The longer he is "awake" and truly with us, the harder it is for him to remember all that happened to him in the coma, and the harder it is to face his current reality. And yet, as he loses the gift of being able to "see" with "supernatural" eyes, he is learning to adjust to seeing with his earthly eyes while holding on to his faith -- which we know is the gift of believing what we can't see. And, with God's help and grace, he's working really hard!
It is now that Seth really needs us...encouraging and strengthening him every step of the way, for we can still see the miracles unfolding in his life. He keeps seeing what he "used to be able to do" and how far his current reality is from that picture. He doesn't see, as clearly as we do, how far he's come. But, he has said that although he wants to be able to do all he did before physically, he doesn't want to go back to the man he was. He wants to truly be a man of God and live for Him!
But the work is long and hard and requires so much effort on his part. It is both mentally and physically exhausting. Every prayer helps and is greatly appreciated. And if anyone wants to send a card of encouragement, I think that would be really nice. If you do so, please send them directly to the Alfaro house. Nothing sent directly to MFB will get to him. You can message me if you'd like their address.
Something fun to look forward to tomorrow-- he's doing so well that his therapists are taking him on his first "field trip" outside the hospital. Please pray it goes well. I'll let you know how it goes in tomorrow's post.
Again, thank you for your many, many prayers! Seth is SO grateful, as are each one of us. Thank you! Thank God!!! #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 21 ·
Latest update on Seth Alfaro - 3/21
I couldn't wait to share...
Seth's doctor came in this morning and told Seth he is "truly amazing." He told Seth that his MRI says he should be severely brain damaged. (Thank you for your healing touch, Jesus!)
His comments are a total confirmation of a miracle!!!
Seth's nurse said she has seen many miraculous things here, but Seth is an anomaly. The rate he is changing is NOT normal.
His speech therapist took all restrictions off his food. She said every 24 hours he changes! She said that doesn't usually happen!
THREE confirmations in one day that we are witnessing a miracle (or several miracles) right in front of our eyes! PRAISE GOD!!!!
Don't ever let people tell you that miracles don't happen today, because they DO! You are living witnesses to the fact. Keep praying and spread the word so that others' faiths may grow like all of ours have.
Seth is alive and walking (taking steps on his own), talking (his voice truly returned Sunday morning, stronger and lower -- more like his normal voice), eating, drinking, sharing his amazing experiences and faith, laughing, loving. He is himself...only better! And he's getting stronger every day. All glory and praise to our mighty God who works miracles, regardless of what tests show!
Please keep the prayers coming! God isn't done with Seth yet. Praise God, He isn't done with us either! We are BEYOND grateful and can't wait to see the plans God has in store for Seth. Thank you! Thank God!!!! #allforhisglory#sethstrong #beyondourhopesanddreams
Another update on Seth Alfaro - 3/21
From Seth himself...this is his Instagram post from today...

Kathy Barth updated her status.
March 22 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/22
We have UNBELIEVABLE news!!! We have a DISCHARGE DATE!!! Seth is going home next week!!!
Last week, they told Chris and Chris that Seth would be at MFB probably 5-7 more weeks. Today, they told them he will be going home next Thursday! We are jumping for joy! Not long ago, we didn't know if Seth would ever be going home, and now he's going home in an unprecedentedly short amount of time. We are close to tears and SOOOOO GRATEFUL! Thank you, Jesus!
Every day there are more changes, more accomplishments, and more exciting news to report. Yesterday, Seth went to McDonald's for lunch. Today, he went to Biggby's for coffee. He also walked up and down the stairs for the first time today. He still has a long way to go in his recovery, but they believe he will be walking around the house safely on his own by next week! The staff at MFB are amazed at his progress. He has blown all of their predictions out of the water.
Thank you ALL for your continued prayers! Thank you, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and Venerable Solanus Casey for your prayers and intercession on Seth's behalf. And, most of all, thank you, Jesus, for answering our prayers in ways even beyond our hopes and dreams. We are grateful beyond words. Please keep praying for God's grace and healing power. We can't wait to see all He has in store for Seth's life. #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams
Latest update on Seth - 3/23
It's been so nice to be able to visit with Seth each day this week. What a blessing!!!
I asked Seth if he had any special prayer requests. He asked if you would please pray for his short memory. His long term memory is great (Praise God!) but his short term memory is very shaky. Some things he remembers really well, but other things he's really struggling with. He would love it if you would all pray for his short term memory to improve. Thank you so much!
Thank you, also, for praying for his sleep--he is sleeping much better! That makes it much easier for him to work hard during his therapy sessions. That, and them allowing him to drink coffee again! He is grateful for both!
Therapy is continuing full speed ahead as they work hard to prepare him to go home next week. We are all SO excited!
Again, we can't thank you enough for your prayers. There is still a lot of work ahead, but your prayers are making it all possible and the miracle of Seth's recovery continues! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May God continue to heal Seth and work His wonders in all of us. #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams

Latest update on Seth - 3/24
Dr. Ho came in to see Seth today. He is still totally blown away by Seth's progress. While talking to Seth's parents, he was amazed when they told him that Seth is totally back--with his personality and sense of humor completely in tact. Of course he knows Seth is doing great, but not knowing Seth prior to the accident, he had no way of knowing exactly how well Seth is really doing and how great Seth's miracle actually is.
Every time we talk to the doctor, we learn more about how serious Seth's injury was and how all of his amazing progress is nothing less than a true miracle. Seth's MRI showed brain sheering throughout his brain. Brain sheering is the worst type of brain injury you can sustain. It basically means the brain was shredded. And, in Seth's case, this shredding occurred in multiple places throughout his brain. By all accounts, he "should" have major brain damage. Instead, he's making arrangements to go home in less than a week--with some weakness on his left side and some short term memory issues, but otherwise healthy and amazingly himself and healed. THIS IS BEYOND EXCELLENT MEDICAL CARE. IT'S A MIRACLE!
I know we've said it before, but the truth just keeps hitting us over the head. We are witnessing a miracle and we want to thank you for your part in it. We are humbled, and awed, and grateful beyond words. Thank you!!!!
We thank Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and Venerable Solanus Casey for their intercession. We thank our Blessed Mother for her prayers. We thank our Heavenly Father for His healing power.
Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering our urgent pleas for help and healing. We are forever grateful. #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams
Tonight, please join us in praying for the repose of the soul of CC senior, Jared Pilczuk. We also ask for healing for his brother Nick, and peace and consolation for the entire Pilczuk family. May God bless them all.

Kathy Barth
March 26 ·
Latest update on Seth - 3/25 (late) or 3/26 (early)
My heart is overflowing! I was blessed with the opportunity to talk to Seth tonight one on one about some of the amazing spiritual experiences he has had since his fall, especially while in his coma, and the impact this "tragedy" has had on his life. What a blessing to listen to him talk about what happened to him as a gift for which he is truly grateful. I know in human terms, that just doesn't make sense. But, when you listen to Seth and you're able to see this all--as he has been able to do--through an eternal and "Godly" lens, then everything takes on a whole different perspective and meaning and you see his fall and healing (both physical and spiritual) not as a tragedy, but as the blessing it has been. This hasn't just been a renewal for Seth, I think it has been a reawakening and renewal for many of us, me included.
Seth can't wait to share his story and true "conversion" with all of you. He really can't wait to get started doing whatever it is God is calling him to do with what he is calling his "second chance" at being the man that God made him and called him to be. You can't help but get excited when you talk to him. I mean, really excited!!! He wants so badly to help and touch others by sharing all that God has done in his life...I see some new songs and, God willing, lots of talks in his future. He wants to write praise and worship songs to the Lord, songs that will bring people closer to God. He said it's one way he can give back to all of you who've prayed so hard for him and to the Lord for saving and healing him.
Physically, he walked all over the place today, including up and down stairs, without anyone helping him. He can get up and down and sit or stand without assistance. There is no comparison to where he was even a week ago when I first got here this trip. I can't believe his improvement in the last week. God definitely has his recovery on the "fast track."
I really thought that once I got here and could see Seth every day, these updates would get easier to write. But, the opposite has been true. After spending time with him, it's just truly hard to put everything into words.
The words that come to mind are words of overwhelming praise and thanksgiving, awe and wonder, and tremendous grace. I am humbled and awestruck by the amazing love and power of our God.
Seth kept telling me, "We all think God's so far somewhere praying. But, He's not! He's right here beside us. If you could only see like He let me see. He's right here. And all it takes is one touch from His hand to heal us. The veil is so thin."
He's right here with us...
Thank you, dear prayer warriors, for your constant prayers, your faith, your love, your sacrifices, your support. May you always know and feel the presence of our amazing God and Savior who is truly "right here with us." To Him be the glory forever. Please keep praying. I can't wait to see where this journey takes Seth and all of us. #allforhisglory #sethstrong#beyondourhopesanddreams